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  • Sports Turf Management & Maintenance Course - ONLINE

Sports Turf Management & Maintenance Course - ONLINE

  • 6 Nov 2023
  • 9:00 AM
  • 8 Nov 2023
  • 12:30 AM


  • This course includes reference material and participants will be awarded a Sports Turf Canada Certificate of Successful Completion.
  • This course includes reference material and participants will be awarded a Sports Turf Canada Certificate of Successful Completion.

Registration is closed

This Sports Turf Canada course is designed to introduce the latest principles and techniques of managing and maintaining natural sports turf. The course will be of interest to those who manage or maintain sports turf, other turf areas, and those who wish to develop additional knowledge and skills in this important field. The course offers a range of options to deal with issues as restricted pesticide use, restricted water use, and how best to manage with limited financial resources.


    • Turf species and their uses, characteristics and benefits, emphasizing the latest and best varieties for particular uses
    • Soils as a growth medium for turfgrass including soil fertility, soil water movement and management of soils for better athletic field performance
    • Cultural practices which enhance and promote good turf and improved playing conditions
    • Water management including sub-surface and surface drainage systems, irrigation practices and systems and the efficient use of water and weather information for managing improvements under water restrictions
    • An overview of the identification, monitoring and control of weeds, insects, and diseases in sports turf
    • Integrated pest management (IPM) programs to recognize and monitor infestations of weeds, insects, and diseases, to identify thresholds, to reduce pesticide use, and to utilize biological and cultural methods to control/reduce infestations
    • Renovations and restoration methods for poorly performing fields and best practices which promote good conditions and improved maintenance practices
    • Sports field construction including proper design, layout, orientation and the hidden aspects for good turf

    The course is held over 3 days (3.5 hours each day).

    9:00 to 12:30 AM Eastern Time

    Pacific Time


    Mountain Time


    Central Time


    Eastern Time


    Atlantic Time


    Newfoundland Time


    *except where daylight savings time is not recognized


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